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Name of a movie about a haunted house ghost hunter show


The movie appeared on the SYFY channel about a decade ago. It was about a tv show crew of ghost hunters who are fakes and lean into their reputation. They go to a house to investigate the claims that people disappear in it, and eventually they get locked in. The crew starts to die as the house comes alive: a window slams shut, shattering, and a shard of glass pierces a girl’s throat. Another guy gets sucked into the walls, which are filled with flesh. The tech guy lets loose a camera-equipped rover robot, but it gets possessed by the house and gouges his eye out. Eventually the crew realizes they need to ‘feed’ the house people, but decide to poison the house by dousing the body of one of the crew members in cleaning fluid and dropping it down the well in the yard. It does not work. The host for the tv show finally arrives and is possessed by the house, killing everyone else. He then becomes the ‘master of the house’ and lures in buyers to feed to it.

I remember all of that but NOTHING about the title. Any help is appreciated, this has been driving me crazy.

farcry Answered question Feb 16, 2022

House of Bones (2010).

Google: syfy+movie|film+ghost+Hunting+show+crew+horror -“grave encounters”

farcry Answered question Feb 16, 2022