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Movie my daughter insists we watched

265 views#1 Moviessci-fi time travel

Need help finding a movie that my daughter asked about. She insists that I made her and her sister watch it. No idea of the time period… really could be any time from the 80s until now. It all sounds like something I would watch, but it’s not coming to me. Here are the details she rambled to me (take them with a grain of salt as she has changed her story a couple times):

Girl has a burned hand that is healed by someone she calls an “elf doctor” (her words) with some blue liquid
Girl saves her father by using some power she has to create an illusion of him going somewhere else. Some black smoke creature/enemy was after him
Girl, male friend, her father and the male friend’s father go on the run from this black smoke thing
Male friend’s father is taken by the black smoke thing in a barn
Girl and male friend go back in time to find something that can be used to fight the black smoke thing
That “something” is found in a corn maze
Father uses the “something” to fight the black smoke thing in a cave. The black smoke thing takes human form
Black smoke thing dies

Some ideas already that have turned out to not be it: A Wrinkle in Time, Inkheart, Labrynth

Tandis Asked question Aug 14, 2022