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British mystery with hostage and gambling

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What is this movie? I only have the plot. I don’t know british actors. Clues…British movie couple held in the home she owns (towards end of movie). Backstory: man takes out collateral on her home while making huge huge $ gambles with a mobster type guy….(was talking to him on a school playground next to a tall wooden exercise post) . A quiet man with glasses pieces together that gambling man has been having affair w his wife and takes them both hostage in her home (she is in the pool naked when he arrives). Man with glasses is kind to the wife . Man with glasses accuses gambler man of killing his wife in car accident and leaving her to die hiding his clothes and putting her in drivers seat. It’s a shame KTBC-SD doesn’t update their titles on my TV like other channels. But it was on last night here in Austin TX this morning 2am or so central time. 7/16/2020. Where is tv guide when I need it?

VHS_Lives Answered question Jul 16, 2020