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1980s or 1990s film

5.39K views#1 Movies

Movie where a family holds up in there farm house. They have stock piled weapons. They board up the house windows. Steel water from there neighbors. Government comes in and trys to get them to surrender. Government uses sound and lights to try to drive them out. Family shoots at lights and sound speakers. Played on USA network. Not the siege at ruby ridge.

Chris Answered question Jun 5, 2020

This sounds like it is based from the
Waco Siege
Its one of the only sieges’ to use very loud music
Its also considered to be one of the few American acts of un-nessacary violence carried out on ‘innocent’ civilians by the government.
Although they were committing some crimes, non were beyond the scope of tactical force. It was considered a dark time for Americans. Many children died because the government did not approach the situation with tact and a level head.
Sorry I cant tell you the film. there have been many documentaries about these events, all of which are interesting and informative.

Spgsamuel Answered question Aug 8, 2018
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