In the 70’s as a child, I saw a movie probably hosted by Bill Kennedy as an afternoon movie on a local Detroit station. I only remember one scene from the movie, but for some reason the scene has stuck in my head for decades.
The film is B&W. The actress is awakened in her lavish bedroom by a knock on the door. She excitedly rushes to the door only to discover the door knob is now about 4-foot wide and she can’t turn it to open the door. She frantically pounds on the door and calls to the person on the other side (who I assume is her love whom she desperately wants to see) saying she’s trying to open the door but can’t. I think at this point she wakes from her dream very sad that she is without her love…
I don’t have the impression this was a scary movie or anything like that. It just had this bizarre dream sequence which has stuck in my memory. Does anyone have any thoughts? Thank you!