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Western where a man has a wet rawhide tied around his neck

1.93K views#1 MoviesSpaghetti Western Western

When I was a kid, I saw (about 1965-1970, give or take a couple years) a Western that left a memory: a man was staked spread-eagle to the ground, and a strap of wet leather or rawhide was tied around his neck. As the leather dried in the sun, it was supposed to tighten and choke the victim. I don’t recall whether the man escaped or died. I think the film had a few scenes as the man struggled with his situation. I’ve tried over the years to find out the name of this film but without success.

I did find one candidate: Son of a Gunfighter (1965). I watched this movie, but I’m not sure it is the one I saw as a kid. For one thing, I was 5 when this film was released, and I know I saw this in the theater alone without my parents. The other thing that doesn’t seem right is that there was only one scene; the movie did not return to the victim.

I’m wondering if this rawhide gimmick might have been copycatted by multiple Westerns around that time; either initiated by Son of a Gunfighter or copied in that movie from another Western.

I’d appreciate any help to identify this movie!

rawhide Answered question Jan 13, 2021

Maybe, “Rawhide terror”?

the rawhide strangulation seems to been used quite a few times. did yours involve a snake too?

Thanks for the suggestion. I checked IMDB and the date (1934) is too old on this one, and also it is B&W; mine was definitely color. No snake in mine though, at least not that I remember 😉


I watched Red Sun (1971) tonight – Charles Bronson heads an international cast hunting for a valuable samurai sword in the 19th-century American West. Toshiro Mifune and woman is tied up and wet rawhide wrapped around her neck to dry and shrink in the sun. She stabbed a Indian. Scene is about a hour in. Also- The Souix would wrap broken arms and legs in wet rawhide for a cast. Googled just after the scene to see if it was true.

rawhide Answered question Jan 13, 2021
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