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Troubled teen girl sent to live on ranch

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This is a “B” movie I think — the main actors are not well known.

A punky teen girl is sent away by her mother, I think. Maybe cuz the mom is fed up, or maybe is having problems of her own.

The girl is sent to live on a desolate ranch with a male relative, and gradually becomes a better person. The ranch is somehere in the West, like Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, or the Dakotas. Very remote setting and a long way to the nearest town. She has chores on the ranch she doesn’t initially want to do and so on. I don’t remember if the ranch has cattle or horses, maybe both.

Jarucifer Answered question Jul 24, 2022

Good guess, but that’s not it. The male relative at the ranch isn’t her father — maybe an uncle. One other thing I remember is that in one of the opening scenes, the male relative is lying in bed w/o a shirt, and you can see that he has an umbilical hernia.

DontKnowTheName Answered question Feb 1, 2022
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