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Looking for a kind-of-Horror Hammer film – Help needed

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I come looking for help, maybe there’s someone here that has seen this film I’m looking for and remembers it better.

What I do remember: There is this mannor in England or Scotland (or maybe new england/maine?) it seemed to my 9 y/o eye like it took place in England, not sure, and there are witches and covens involved. Some terrible secret lies behind a massive huge door in the basement, like, garage-door big. There’s this group of people and they all are concerned with the witching / satanism in question going on, and one of them spies on the witches one night when the witches perform a summoning ritual. This guy vanishes and his friends go looking for him, only to find the garage door open and the guy flattened to a wall by the force of the door opening (supposedly because the devil was summoned and the doors flung open while he was eave dropping on the ritual). That’s as much as I remember of the plot, no idea about anything else, the ending or the setup.

Visually, it seemed like a movie from the early 70’s perhaps? lots of bushy hair on the characters, It’s not a Hammer film per-se but it has a similar look to those kind of movies. I have the strong impression that David Warner was involved or an actor that looks like him in one of the main roles, though I might be mixing this movie with The Omen.

Other than that, I have no more clues, I’ve already gone over the entire list of Hammer films and can’t find anything that fits my memory of that movie, so, If any of you find what I described familiar maybe you can help me finding the name of the film and maybe I can re-watch it someday in the future.

Stonebroke Changed status to publish Jun 18, 2021

Was it The Devil Rides Out, with Christopher Lee in a rare role as a good guy?

Stonebroke Answered question Mar 18, 2021