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Escape from the destruction of world into space with biological samples etc. Very old color movie.

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Escape from the destruction of world into space with all the planned necessities and biological samples etc. by a scientist. Very old color movie, maybe European production.

Tim Answered question Aug 5, 2020

Maybe George Pal’s When World’s Collide. A 1951 Technicolor production from the USA. A scientist discovers that a star is on a collision course with the Earth. He presents his findings to the United Nations and pleads for immediate action, but world leaders initially won’t believe him. A wealthy industrialist funds the scientist’s scheme to build a rocket ship so a few dozen carefully chosen young people can escape the Earth just before the collision and take refuge on a planet that circles the approaching star. They pack the ship with everything they’ll need to start life on a new world, including seeds, livestock, and tools.

Though there were no mad scientists in the movie, you may be thinking of the main antagonist — the industrialist who funds the project. He is a vile, old, wheelchair bound man who is only funding the project because he doesn’t want to die — not because he wants to save humanity from destruction. For many, the film’s highlight were the special effects showing the mayhem on Earth as the gravitation pull of the approaching star wreaks havoc, and the great collision that destroys our planet at the end. The ship does make it to the new planet and mankind lives on.

helix Posted new comment Aug 5, 2020

Hello Tim. Understandanbly I may not be descriptive enough.for framing the movie title. Just the visual color quality of the movie was similar in era. but screenplay of movie was very realistic and very ahaead of its time, like high tech and bioscience, etc. Destruction may be man made, can’t remember. It was surely an alltimer. There was less of a publicity, un etc. in comparison and spacecraft was certainly of different concept, not aeroplane alike protrusions. In future I hope to somehow frame the title data of this space sci-fiction movie when I have spare time and enough luck, then I will share it with you.


Maybe “Silent Running” (1972)?

If this is the movie you are looking for, then please select my answer as Best Answer by clciking on the “Select” button.

helix Posted new comment Aug 5, 2020

Theme and qualitative era are similar but certainly it was not this movie. I remember seeing this movie possibly on Astra satellite on German language. I don’t remember out in open space settlement. It was a single vehicle escape while the world was destructed. There was an older mad scientist stereotype.