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cant recall what it was called

Solved2.67K views#1 Movies'90s erotica film murder thriller

i am trying to remember a film i saw i am sure it was the 90s it was set in a cathoilc boarding school for girls and slowly the girls and the gardener were killed, i remember it was a nun who was the killer and she had the bodys sat up like the last supper, it was abit erotic in places. i have tried everything to find the name of the film and am having no look on anythng i search

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casspir Selected answer as best Oct 18, 2020

“Deadly Sins” (1995)
Detailed plot summary on Wikipedia here:

Quote from the above Wikipedia page:
“Jack also finds the secret door, and within the tunnel the tied-up Cristina and a secret chamber in which the corpses of the missing girls have been arranged in a gruesome replication of the Last Supper.

I am sure that this is the movie you are looking for. If you agree, then please select my answer as Best Answer by clicking on the “Select” button.

casspir Selected answer as best Oct 18, 2020