VampiricButterfly | Points

I'm more familiar with movies that came out prior to 2010, though growing up I used to watch a lot of movies. 80's and 90's are probably the eras I'll remember most vividly, though I had been watching much older films as well, going as far back as old Shirley Temple pictures.
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Oh, it was that one then. 🙂

Aug 25, 2021 1
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And the addition of guns, which don't really feature in Harry Potter.

Aug 25, 2021 1
Commented on a post

Are you certain it was a movie and not an episode series? I know there was an X-Files episode that was very similar to what you're describing.

Aug 11, 2021 1
Commented on a post

If it helps at all, the scene impressed on my mind was the kid looking through dressers and finding that all his mother's clothes and personal things had been taken, and I think he finds a note in his...

Aug 10, 2021 1
Commented on a post

Wow! I had almost convinced myself this movie was a figment of my imagination. I'm glad someone else remembers it.

Aug 9, 2021 1
Commented on a post

Are you sure it's the mother that wanted to arrange this, or another sort of caregiver/authority figure? That could change the direction that people are looking for your answer.

Aug 9, 2021 1
Asked a question
Movie with a Boy Abandoned by his Mother

I'm pretty sure this was a movie, or made-for-TV movie, my guess is late 80's to early-mid 90's (but I could be off). I don't remember most of the film, but one scene in my mind stands out: a young boy...

Aug 9, 2021 1
Aug 9, 2021 10