Tony G | Points This free community is fueled by little more than our love of movies. And that’s probably enough. But, beyond that, with some help, we could make it even better. — Donate Now Tony G12 QuestionsAnswersPoints Commented on a post Thanks very much Casspir. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer. You won't believe how long I have been searching for this. Now I can show it to my kids, just as I watched it when I was a kid... Mar 5, 2018 1 Asked a question WW2 US bomber squadron in EnglandIt starts with an abandoned airfield and a signature on a wall near a dartboard. Then it goes back to when the airfield was in use during the war. There is a US bomber squadron. A love affair between... Mar 4, 2018 1 Registered Mar 4, 2018 10