Thijs712 | Points This free community is fueled by little more than our love of movies. And that’s probably enough. But, beyond that, with some help, we could make it even better. — Donate Now Thijs71213 QuestionsAnswersPoints Commented on a post Ok I found out what it is. It's from a SNL skit with Bradley Cooper in which he plays a game show host called 'Sex with your wife'. Jan 24, 2021 1 Commented on a post Good guess, but I haven't seen that so I don,'t think that's the one. Jan 24, 2021 1 Asked a question Movie quote from an unknown filmI can't seem to find out where the following quote is from. I think it's from a movie, but it could also have been from a tv show. The quote is just the word "Terrific", but it is being pronounced like... Jan 24, 2021 1 Registered Middle school movie with 90’s or 80’s theme with Joan of Arc as central theme.So...I watched this movie when I was a child and don’t remember much about it but I remember that it was about a school. (Probably middle school). And the main character was a girl. The movie was sort... Jan 24, 2021 10