Starman | Points This free community is fueled by little more than our love of movies. And that’s probably enough. But, beyond that, with some help, we could make it even better. — Donate Now Starman11 I'm male and live in Townsville, QLD, Australia. QuestionsAnswersPoints Asked a question Looking for the title of a movieI saw a movie on TV back in, I think, the late 1990's and have been wondering what the movie title is since that time. The movie was in Spanish with English subtitles. The parts I remember involved 'narco-terrorists'... Jun 7, 2020 1 Registered murder of a daughter investigatorThe story of the murder of a daughter investigator and suspicions are about one of the neighbors but in the latter the killer child of the children of neighbors. The girl will be killed behind the house... Jun 7, 2020 10