JimbroskiJohnson | Points This free community is fueled by little more than our love of movies. And that’s probably enough. But, beyond that, with some help, we could make it even better. — Donate Now JimbroskiJohnson12 QuestionsAnswersPoints Commented on a post I'm starting to think I was hallucinating or mixing up multiple different things together cause now I'm not entirely sure. I don't think it was a karate movie, nor were they explicitly called stuntmen. Mar 17, 2022 1 Asked a question Movie with a scene where the protagonist fights off a bunch of professional stuntmenI think it's a comedy movie and it's also probably live action but essentially the protagonist has to fight off some sort of league of professional stuntmen before a major climactic moment. They do backflips... Mar 16, 2022 1 Registered Film about a boy, a dog, a frozen lake and a car crash.lost christmas https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Christmas Mar 16, 2022 10