hcir | Points This free community is fueled by little more than our love of movies. And that’s probably enough. But, beyond that, with some help, we could make it even better. — Donate Now hcir12 QuestionsAnswersPoints Commented on a post That be it! Thanks Sep 12, 2020 1 Asked a question Dark sci fi movie, broken sword used as keyI am remembering parts of a movie in which shelling from a war woke an old alien machine. The machine turned humans into soldiers for itself. The machine was defeated when a jaded religious man used a... Sep 11, 2020 1 Registered What's the name of this old 18+ movie?Hey I've been trying to find this old movie lately, that I watched on TV years ago, sadly I don't remember any actors or director of the movie or the whole plot, only thing I can remember is some scenes... Sep 11, 2020 10