BuffyPaws | Points This free community is fueled by little more than our love of movies. And that’s probably enough. But, beyond that, with some help, we could make it even better. — Donate Now BuffyPaws11 A girl living in LA with her sweet little kitten, Buffy. We love movies and make them too! 🙂 QuestionsAnswersPoints Asked a question Sensual movie about girl going to a new school, sexy teachers there hold a dark secret!2010's maybe? It's a really fancy school she goes to, might be a boarding school. The faculty are all pretty sexy, hot teachers. One I *think* starts seducing her dad? Turns out they are some sort of cult... Aug 1, 2022 1 Registered Movie about money and greedMovie about a woman who plan to steal her husband drug money and runaway with her boyfriend who is a building contractor this film also star James Franco. Aug 1, 2022 10