Antoaneta | Points

Jus an everage person that likes movies.
Answer was selected as best
Mar 27, 2021 20
Posted an answer
Forgot the name of an live-action comedy movie, help?

Yeah, that's it.

Sep 13, 2020 5
Asked a question
Forgot the name of an live-action comedy movie, help?

Forgot the name of the movie and main character, but it was a guy with black hair and I think he was the MC in that movie were he was the kid of a rich guy and had to start school all over again. In this...

Sep 12, 2020 1
Asked a question
Can you help me find this movie where someone is in TV series?

So, I thin the actor was Jim Carrey. I can't remember the name of the movie but have watched it over 10 years or so ago, I thing. It basically was when Jim, ac the MC, was living his life without realizing...

Jul 17, 2020 1
Posted an answer
Does anybody know this animated series?

“dork hunters from outer space” and “monster buster club” - - - Just checked the names and yup, these are the shows. Thanks!

Jul 11, 2020 5
Asked a question
Does anybody know this animated series?

OK. I know it might not be a movie but I remembered an animated TV show I watched as a kid, on TV, so it was made quit a bit before 2015, because that is the last time I actively watched TV and I wasn't...

Jul 10, 2020 1
Commented on a post

Yes! That is it!! Thank you very much! I had been so close, yet so far.

Jun 8, 2020 1
Posted an answer
Looking for an animated movie, maybe made early 2000s, not quite sure but it was before 2015.

Don't know. I think the original was in english but the trailer I watched was translated to my country's language, Bulgarian "Iskam da se varna i otnovo da bada obiknoven ris.", ya get it? As I said, I...

Jun 7, 2020 5
Asked a question
Looking for an animated movie, maybe made early 2000s, not quite sure but it was before 2015.

I remembered the trailer of this particular movie. I watched it for the first time when I got a rental DVD, so can't see it again, the shop closed :(. So, the trailer begins with this young boy that goes...

Jun 6, 2020 1
Assasin who becomes romantically involved with his target who is a russian prostitute

I cant for the life of me remember the name of this movie, but it's about an assasin who saves his target instead of killing her. She's a russian prostitute trying to put herself through school or something...

Jun 6, 2020 10