Filmfind Has Moved

Childrens Film: Kids think Neighbor in Apartment Killed His Wife


This is the best I can remember things. Has to be 90s or early 2000s. Two kids, both boys, living in apartment complex think their adult neighbor is up to no good. One has spy gear in his closet. They think neighbor has killed his wife and rolled her up in a rug. They use spy gadget to follow car. I believe they roller-blade, to pursue neighbors car, to a funeral home.
Certain About: time period, kids play spying, apartment, gadgets, neighbor and rug
Fuzzy About: roller-blade scene, funeral home
Details That Could Help: apartments were above ground floor I think with balconies; there is quite a bit of mystery and suspense (for kids); I think one of the boys is visiting the other; don’t remember seeing parents of the boys for much if any of the film; I was born in 93 if that for any reason helps.

ColonelForbin Unselected an answer Jul 15, 2022

Not properly kids but teens, could be Disturbia (2007)?

ColonelForbin Unselected an answer Jul 15, 2022

Thanks for trying. Unfortunately that is not it. This is a children’s movie and the neighbor watching takes place in an apartment complex. It is also not a redo of rearview mirror.

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