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Can you help me find an old movie about a lost bear?

347 views#1 Movieslost bear movie

I watched it when I was kid and perhaps couldn’t see the end and it has haunted me every now and then. It may have been a black-and-white movie which I saw on telly perhaps in 1977-1980, but I’m not sure. The bits I remember:
There is a traveling circus and the animals are being transported by train. The train briefly halts and one of the cabin doors flies open, so a circus bear jumps out – I think for a drink of water. And then the train starts moving. The bear tries to climb back on, but fails, and wanders into a forest. When he spots people at a distance, he tries to indicate that he is clever at performing tricks. He juggles some stones and lies on his back and pretends to roll a ball in the air with his feet. But the people get scared (I think he is a big grizzly) and run away. He tries to befriend some wild animals. Eventually he fails in his efforts to get back to civilization. The last scene I remember is of it snowing and the bear standing there –all forlorn, brushing the snow off his face.
I kept thinking that perhaps that was not the end but I’m not sure.
I wish I could see the movie again.
Thank you!

VHS_Lives Answered question Mar 5, 2022

could this be some version of “bongo” or even “kissyfur”?

VHS_Lives Answered question Mar 5, 2022
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